5 Reasons Why Hijacking a Video Call is Counterproductive

Posted By
Adam Grant

Video calls are a great way for a team to get together and communicate no matter where everyone is physically situated. This is where ideas are shared; project updates laid out; and workplace friendships solidified. 

However, what happens when each team meeting is dominated by one voice? This could be a boss who likes to have their fingerprints on absolutely everything, or an eager staffer who tries too hard to make big impressions during video conferences.

If you have a suspicion that this person may be you, let’s explore why being too dominant of a presence during virtual meetings is not a good thing.

No Room for Opinions

When a team gathers for a video meeting, odds are not everyone will share the same opinion on everything brought up during the call. This is usually a good thing, though, as such positive friction can help forge a better vision for a project, or a company objective. 

But, when someone chooses to hijack a video call, the elongated amount of time in which they choose to speak limits others from participating in a conversation. Thus, room for differing opinions shrink dramatically, which could ultimately lead to a project not meeting its full potential.

Leads to a Lack of Engagement

When a video call begins, the possibilities for where it can go are endless. Individuals want to participate in the process and feel like part of the team.

At a certain point, though, if you emphatically take over a virtual meeting, all other attendees will feel less engaged than they did when logging into the online meeting platform. Instead of a burning desire to contribute, some participants will pull back dramatically because they don’t feel as if their ideas stand a chance.

The Team Will Grow to Resent You

When a team has to cede its ideas and opinions because of one person, it is natural for feelings of resentment to emerge and mutate. Of course, you do not need to like everyone on your team, but it helps to have an open line of communication.

However, if you run over people during each and every live video chat online, such communication becomes non-existent. When that happens, all you are left with are disgruntled teammates who are never being heard. At this point projects will be tougher to complete, as those you rely on for the work have zero interest in seeing you succeed.

Clients Will Begin to Wonder

Internal strife is one thing. But, if an existing or prospective client witnesses your overriding ways, there’s a 50/50 shot someone will be rubbed the wrong way.

When a business partnership is being developed, you want to know that those on the other side of the table will work in unison to help realize a goal. If a client sees that you do not welcome ideas from teammates, they may determine that your controlling ways are not something they want to deal with moving forward.

By allowing more voices to be heard during these video calls, you will have a better shot at nailing down new business partnerships.

You Will Be Left on an Island

Eventually, you will need your team to swoop in and save a project that may have taken a sharp left turn in the wrong direction. However, if they feel sour about your past team meeting behaviour, getting their assistance would be a challenge.

Sure, it would seem petty to some that transgressions committed during an online staff meeting would result in some type of a revolt, but these things happen. Many individuals have long memories and may view your video call behaviour as reason enough to leave you on an island by yourself.

Tap here to learn more about Banty's video call solutions!

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Adam Grant

Adam has been a professional, published writer for more than 20 years. He has experience writing about technology, business, music, news, as well as many topics in-between. When not banging away at the keyboard, Adam spins vinyl, obsesses over sports, and takes his dog on giant walks.